Brent Shores is a Marine Corp Veteran and Professional tournament angler who competes at a national level all over the United States. He developed the ACCU CULL product line to make fishing better and safer for the industry which he loves. BASS/Walleye and Crappie Fishing is a sport that needs to keep fish alive and well so it keeps going. ACCU CULL does this better than any other product out there. ACCU CULL Products are mostly Made in the USA
Brent Shores is a highly visible celebrity who happily wears sponsored gear in public and gets recognized often. He is extremely friendly and approachable, and he interacts with people daily. He’s not afraid to shake hands with a stranger or warm up a crowd with jokes. Brent is a family man with three kids. When he’s not fishing or inventing new Accu-Cull products, he enjoys hunting, attending rock concerts, watching movies, and playing games.
Bass fishing is second to NASCAR and a $46 billion industry alone, with $16 billion dedicated to bass fishing. Twenty years of experience, including salmon, steelhead, and bass Competes at a local and national level, participating in 30 events each year. Visibility: As the owner of a company, brand marketing is my game. Wherever I go, I always talk about who I am and what I represent with passion. Wherever I go, you go. Competes in BASSMASTER and Other events. Highly competitive and motivated; successful in bass tournaments at the national stage and is always looking for exposure on TV, in magazines, and through social media. Talks about sponsors and promotes them. Speaks at events and will participate in any seminar for sponsors on non-tournament weeks. Understands marketing and sales being a co-owner of Accu-Cull, a company that sells to the pro-angler and general public. I take my losses as well as my winnings. It happens. Tournament fishing is the most humbling sport. Media exposure with tournament fishing will last longer, and people always look at history for ways to win in the future, so your ROI will last forever on the Internet and in video archives.
Sponsorship cost is negotiable based on mutual commitments to be agreed upon. Contact u request more information.
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